University Clinic

University Clinic 

The University Clinic serves students on the campus in Grand-Bassam during all academic periods. The required medical forms are also available on the IUGB website ( forms). 

Vaccinations and Immunizations: All students must show evidence of current vaccinations against diseases as recommended by the National Institute of Public Hygiene (Institut National d’Hygiène Publique) and determined by the University at the time of admittance. The following vaccines are required: BCG, DTP/DT Polio, MMR, Measles, Yellow Fever, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, Meningitis A/C, Typhoid, Influenza, and Tetanus Vaccine. All doses and boosters must be strictly respected. Students will not be admitted to class without proof of valid vaccination records and records for attaining the necessary booster shots. 

Awareness Sessions: The University clinic also offers awareness sessions for health-related issues, controls the general health problems on campus, runs blood drives, and treats minor illnesses. Major problems are referred to hospitals approved by the University. The University has zero tolerance for illegal drugs. Students using drugs cannot be admitted or remain on campus. The University has the right to perform on the spot tests for illegal drugs. 

Counseling: Psychological counseling can be obtained through the University Clinic. Students should communicate needs to the health professionals in the Clinic. There is a clinical psychologist available when needed.