Clubs & Extracurriculars

The Department of Student Affairs and Enrollment (SAE) oversees the activities of the Student Government Association (SGA) and the management of the different clubs. It helps also organize any activity initiated by SGA or a student club.

Examples of the events include: guest speakers, visits to companies, film projections, public speaking and debating sessions, end of year gala dinner, club sessions opening, sport day, integration night, free English classes to the Grand Bassam Orphanage, donations at the maternity ward, outing to other locations in Côte d’Ivoire or abroad.

Each semester more than a dozen clubs are active on campus including: Students Government Associatioon (SGA) : Business Club, Dance Club, Movies Club, Music Club, Speech Club, Information Technology Club, Religious Club, Theater Club, ISAD, Science Club, Media Club, Health Club, Japanese Club, SHE (women leadership) and Political Club.

To create a club A minimum of 4 students can decide to create a club. They need to send an email to the Director of the Student Affairs explaining the reason, purpose, mission of the club. They need to notify the names and position of the club head and the name of the faculty advisor who will be coaching them.. The mission, vision and purpose of the proposing club must be different from the existing clubs. If there is any similarity, they will be advised to join the existing club.

A club can run only after the written approval of the Student affairs approval. The clubs operate independently of the SGA even if they receive their budget from the SGA. A club can be suspended for no activity. A student can be a member of at least 5 clubs.

Student Gouvernement Association (SGA)

Current SGA executives:
President: KOUESSAN Abel
V-President: TOURE Cheick Aziz
Secretary: CONGO Binta Irma
Treasurer: COULIBALY ZIie Nehemie

SGA Executive election procedure

Candidacy Forms:
  • Students interested in running for a position must complete a nomination form and submit it to the Academic Advising Center Mr John MAYUMA or to Mrs. WHODJAS Eunice.
  • Nomination forms are available in the Advisers’ office from the second Monday of August.
  • Deadline of submission is on August 31 at 5:30 pm. 
  • Candidates for election must be enrolled at IUGB, have at least 45 credits (SOPHOMORE) and must be in good academic and financial standing with the University.
  • Students are to run for individual position.
  • Positions to be filled by election are Executive board position: President, Vice president, General Secretary, and Treasurer.
  • Candidates running for President, Vice President, Secretary General, and Treasurer, must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher at the time of election.
  • Candidates running for President and Vice President must submit a relevant project of government of the SGA for the academic year they apply for. Deadline to submit the projetis on August 31, at 5:30 pm.  
  • Students with fewer than 2 semesters left for degree completion are NOT eligible for holding any Executive board position. 
Campaign Rules Readings:
  •  A meeting is scheduled every last Friday of August for the campaign rules reading.. No exceptions will be made for a candidate who fails to attend. Candidates not available to attend that meeting can send a representative
Campaign Period:
  • September 1, 12:00 am – to the second Wednesday of September at 11:59 pm.
  • Presidential Debate is scheduled the second Thursday of September  from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the Auditorium.
  • Every third Monday of September from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. In the meeting room.

Election Results Announcement:

  • Every third Monday of September at 7 pm in the Auditorium. 
  • Election results will be published to all IUGB community after the approval of the VPAA. 

Oath of Office: After the approval of the election result by the VPAA at 2:30 pm in the Auditorium.