International University of Grand Bassam is ranked 101+ in the THE Sub-Saharan Africa University Rankings.

IUGB is ranked 101+ in the THE Sub-Saharan Africa University Rankings

The top ranked universities in Sub-Saharan Africa

Discover the top universities in Sub-Saharan Africa with the Times Higher Education Sub-Saharan Africa University Rankings 2024. This year, we’ve ranked 129 universities from 22 countries using a methodology that has been developed specifically to assess the impact of universities in addressing some of the toughest challenges faced in the region.

Sub-Saharan Africa University Rankings 2024: key insights

The Sub-Saharan Africa University Rankings 2024 use carefully calibrated indicators to provide comprehensive and balanced comparisons across three vital areas: teaching, research and societal impact. The methodology has 20 metrics, which are grouped into five pillars: resources and finance; access and fairness; student engagement; ethical leadership; and Africa impact.

Our detailed methodology draws on survey responses from more than 23,000 students across the region. Our analysis reveals the countries with the highest average scores.

To unlock the data behind THE’s rankings and access a range of analytical and benchmarking tools, visit our data and insights page.

Sub-Saharan Africa Methodology 

THE Sub-Saharan Africa University Rankings have been specifically designed to try to address local higher education challenges for an area that is home to more than a billion people. It explores themes including university education, teaching quality, impact on the region, financial strength, and inequality.  

As well as assessing current performance, the ranking aims to help universities identify key areas where they can improve.